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As PR, communications, and marketing professionals, staying ahead of the conversation is crucial. Once you've crafted a robust Brand Search using the AI Assistant in Explore, the real value comes from setting up alerts and daily digests. This post will cover:


Setting up Alerts

Alerts help you monitor key events, trends, and mentions, ensuring your team is proactive rather than reactive. By keeping you informed in real-time, these alerts enable you to seize opportunities, mitigate crises, and enhance your overall strategy.


Here’s how to set a Smart Alert up:

Or you can review the How to Guide.


Recommended Alerts

We have a great article on the Alerts we recommend:



Setting up a Daily Digest 

A daily digest will send you an email daily with recapping all the content from the day. Here’s the how to:

  1. From Explore, click on the Actions drop down in the top right-hand corner
  2. Select Create Digest
  3. Now, you will configure your daily digest email. 
    1. Fill out the Subject Line of the email.
    2. You can leave everything else as-is 
    3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the window.
    4. To learn more read the how to guide.


Every day at 8 a.m., I’ll receive a recap of all the news about your brand or company from the previous day.


Now you are ready for reporting:


Exactly what i was looking for! Thanks Kelly

Super helpful and comprehensive overview - THANK YOU!

Very helpful!
