As PR, communications, and marketing professionals, staying ahead of the conversation is crucial. Once you've crafted a robust Brand Search using the AI Assistant in Explore, the real value comes from setting up alerts and daily digests. This post will cover:
Setting up Alerts
Alerts help you monitor key events, trends, and mentions, ensuring your team is proactive rather than reactive. By keeping you informed in real-time, these alerts enable you to seize opportunities, mitigate crises, and enhance your overall strategy.
Here’s how to set a Smart Alert up:
Or you can review the How to Guide.
Recommended Alerts
We have a great article on the Alerts we recommend:
Setting up a Daily DigestÂ
A daily digest will send you an email daily with recapping all the content from the day. Here’s the how to:
- From Explore, click on the Actions drop down in the top right-hand corner
- Select Create Digest
- Now, you will configure your daily digest email.Â
- Fill out the Subject Line of the email.
- You can leave everything else as-isÂ
- Click the Save button at the bottom of the window.
- To learn more read the how to guide.
Every day at 8 a.m., I’ll receive a recap of all the news about your brand or company from the previous day.
Now you are ready for reporting: