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I have not been able to view broadcast media related to my searches before Nov. 2024. I saw the email that Meltwater was switching broadcast/video providers and this could impact access. But I am having a hard time reaching them for a response or support on this topic. Are these videos gone forever? I just started using Meltwater in November to track media sentiments for a specific client. I have tried searching the internet or specific news channels for the videos but this process takes a long time. Any tips or advice is welcome.

Hey ​@KaitlinAaby13,

Have you seen this FAQ:


TVEyes content (and sentiment) is still available in reports but not accessible. This means, you can see the metrics associated with the historical broadcast results but you can’t click to access the video.
Previously these videos were only viewable for 30 days, once the video is available with Kinetiq, the videos will be available for 12 months. If the video was from before Nov 15, it won’t be viewable in our platform.
