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Meet Taskeen Khan, #ExpertWithInsights (The Future of Healthcare Marketing)

  • 8 January 2024
  • 2 Replies
Meet Taskeen Khan, #ExpertWithInsights (The Future of Healthcare Marketing)

Note from Jacinda (1/22//2024):

Due to an unforeseen event, Taskeen is unable to join us for her final two posts in this series. We’re working together to reschedule, and we hope to bring her back in the near future to finish, and we’re also working on programming to feature our Healthcare Circle again in the future. Thank you for your understanding and patience. 

We’re excited to continue building out programming for the Healthcare Circle. You can help steer the direction of who we talk to and what they share. Please reach out to me via DM or in this announcement thread to let the mCommunity team know what would be most helpful for you. 


Meet Taskeen 




Hi, I’m Taskeen Khan, and I’m mCommunity’s Healthcare Circle #ExpertWithInsights for January. I'm an Integrated Marketing Manager in the healthcare industry, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have over a decade of experience in Communications and Marketing, and have spent the past six years transforming my brand’s digital presence within the healthcare sector. 

Social and digital marketing are my passions, and I’m fascinated with the ever-evolving digital landscape and grateful to be a part of this digital transformation era. Healthcare marketing specifically presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities when it comes to the trends and new technologies shaping the world. I’m excited to share what I’ve learned through my experience in this field, and how I’ve embraced those challenges and opportunities to create a future-focused online presence.

I'm a massive sport fan - love cricket and English football and an absolute padel tennis addict.


About My Experience in the Healthcare Sector

As a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in marketing communications, I've had the privilege of working across various industries, gaining a multifaceted perspective and a robust skill set. My journey in marcomm has been marked by continuous learning and a passion for impactful communication.

What drew me towards the healthcare sector was a deep-rooted interest in making a meaningful difference in people's lives. Healthcare, with its focus on saving lives, promoting wellness, and supporting individuals through their health journeys, resonated deeply with my personal values. The transition from a broader marcomm background to specializing in healthcare felt like a natural progression in my career.

I was headhunted for my current role in the healthcare sector, and over the past six years, my team and I have made significant strides in healthcare marketing. We've been honored with nominations for prestigious awards, including the Hollards Sports Award and the Bookmarks, recognizing our innovative campaigns and impactful messaging.

What I cherish most about working in healthcare marketing is the tangible impact we have on people's health and quality of life. It's not just about promoting services or products; it's about empowering individuals with the knowledge and resources to make informed health decisions, leading to healthier, happier lives. Our work goes beyond traditional marketing - it's about creating narratives that resonate, educate, and inspire.

My extensive experience in marcomm, combined with my passion and success in the healthcare sector, have brought me to where I am today. I am committed to leveraging my skills and sharing the lessons I have learned throughout my journey to continue making a significant impact in healthcare marketing.


About My #Experts Focus

My 3-part blog series, titled Innovative Frontiers: Shaping the Future of Healthcare Marketing Globally, will be focusing on global trends in social and digital marketing within the healthcare industry. I’ll seek to offer insights into the most engaging and innovative trends in global healthcare marketing; and highlight how technology, influencer partnerships, and storytelling are reshaping the ways healthcare connects with people worldwide.

Here’s what you can expect each Monday in January:

Monday, January 15: 

I can’t wait to dive into these topics, and show how healthcare brands can connect with their audiences on a more personal level. I also look forward to hearing from you about your own journeys in healthcare marketing and communications, and how you’re bringing your brands into the future!


Connect with me on LinkedIn:

Looking forward to these topics! 

Particularly the storytelling one!  
