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I’ve been looking into dissemination of imagery during ‘campaigns’ including the use of imageText search terms (used to identify text within an image) however, I don’t seem to be receiving any results from Twitter, even though I know there are results there?



Hey @Al_S - Thanks for reaching out! I’m tagging in our Support team for help with this.

Hey there, great question! 

Searching visual analytics is available on the news, blogs and Reddit data sources only, so it is expected that imageText will not return any results from Twitter at this time. The possibility of doing image analysis on other social data sources is currently being investigated by our team 👍

One suggestion you may wish to try - use the attachmentType operator to search for Tweets with images. You can combine the attachmentType: operator with your brand/campaign keywords. Here is an example using the Dunkin Donuts brand:

(socialType:"twitter" AND attachmentType:"image" AND "dunkin donuts")

We can see the results include Dunkin Donuts related images:


I hope that helps with your search! We’ll be sure to pass your feedback on the imageText operator to our Product Team.


Thank you for the detailed reply - not quite what I was looking for but it has definitely opened up a couple of new avenues 😀
