Hi @anniehans - apologies for that! I’m sending you the answer key via DM right now along with some feedback
Scenario 1
Find documents that mention Yoda with Luke Skywalker or Princess Leia. Documents should not include the keyword Darth Vader.
(“Yoda” AND (“Luke Skywalker” OR “Princess Leia”)) NOT “Darth Vader”
Scenario 2
Find documents that mention at least one of the following keywords: hamburgers and veggie burgers. These keywords should appear within 10 words of the keywords drive-through or drive-thru
(“hamburgers” OR “veggie burgers”) NEAR/10 (“drive-through” OR “drive-thru”)
Scenario 3
Find documents with the keywords luggage, carry-ons, and checked bag within 10 words of the keyword Delta Airlines. Documents should not contain the keywords travel deals, coupons, or discounts.
((“luggage” AND “carry-ons” AND “checked bag” ) NEAR/10 “Delta Airlines”) NOT (“travel deals” OR “coupons” OR “discounts”)
(Yoda AND (“Luke Skywalker” or “Prince Leia”)) NOT “Darth Vader”
Scenario 2:
("luggage" AND "carry-ons" AND "checked bag") NEAR/10 "DELTA AIRLINES" NOT ("travel deals" or "Coupons" or "Discounts")
Struggled with this one!
Scenario 1
((“Yoda! AND “Luke Skywalker”) OR (“Princess Leia”)) AND NOT (“Darth Vader”)
Scenario 2 🍔
(“hamburgers” AND “veggie burgers”) NEAR/10 (“drive-through” OR “drive-thru”)
Scenario 3 ✈
((“luggage” AND “carry-ons” AND “checked bag”) NEAR/10 (“Delta Airlines)) AND NOT (“travel deals” OR “coupons” OR “discounts”)
Scenario #1
(Yoda AND (“Luke Skywalker” OR “Princess Leia”)) NOT “Darth Vader”
1. (("Yoda" OR "Yodas" OR "Yo-da") AND (("Luke Skywalker" OR "LukeSkywalker" OR "Luke Skywalkers" OR "Luke Sky walker" OR "Luke-Skywalker") OR ("Princess Leia" OR "PrincessLeia" OR "Princess Leias" OR "Princess Leiah" OR "Princess Liea" OR "PrincessLiea" OR "Princess Lieah" OR "Princess Leya" OR "Princess Leyas" OR "Princess Leyah")) NOT ("Darth Vader" OR "DarthVader" OR "Darth Vadder" OR "Darth Vaders" OR "Darths Vader")
2. (("hamburgers" OR "ham burgers" OR OR "hamburger" OR "ham burger" OR "ham-burgers") AND ("veggie burgers" OR "veggieburgers" OR "veggie burger" OR "veggieburger" OR "veg burgers" OR "vegburgers" OR "veggies burgers" OR "veggies burger")) NEAR/10 ("drive-through" OR "drivethrough" OR "drive-thru" OR "drivethru")
3. (("luggage" OR "luggages" OR "lugage" OR "lugagge" OR "lugages" OR "lugagges" OR "luggage's") AND ("carry-ons" OR "carry-on" OR "carryons" OR "carryon" OR "carry-on's" OR "carryon's") AND ("checked bag" OR "checkedbag" OR "checked-bag" OR "checked bags" OR "checkedbags" OR "checkedbag's")) NEAR/10 ("Delta Airlines" OR "DeltaAirlines" OR "Delta Airline" OR "DeltaAirline") NOT (("travel deals" OR "travel deals" OR "traveldeals" OR "travel deal" OR "traveldeal") OR ("coupons" OR "coupon" OR "coupon's") OR ("discounts" OR "discounts" OR "discount" OR "discount's"))
Good work, @HannahHaaz! I just sent you the answer key for this exercise so be sure to check your DMs