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Boolean Practice 2: NEAR, ONEAR


Boolean Practice 2 (NEAR, ONEAR)


In the course Creating Searches with Boolean: Foundations  we reviewed the Boolean operators everyone should know in order to create searches.

Here is a safe place where you can practice your new knowledge. You can also practice in Explore and test your search to see if you are getting the results you expected.


How it works:

  1. Pick at least one scenario listed below and create a mock search.
  2. Add your search as a reply below. No cheating!
  3. Once you post your search, review what other learners have added to see how it compares.
  4. We will PM you the answer key


Let’s Practice


Let’s practice using AND, OR, NOT, NEAR, and ONEAR and quotations.


Scenario 1 👽

Find documents that mention Yoda and Luke Skywalker within 6 words of each other.


Scenario 2 🍔

Find documents that mention at least one of the following keywords: hamburgers, veggie burgers, and chicken tenders. These keywords should appear within four words of the keyword drive-through.


Scenario 3 

Find documents that mention the keywords luggage, carry-ons, and checked bag within 10 words of the keyword Delta Airlines.


PLEASE NOTE: We apologize in advance for our emojis, we are limited. 😇



  • Explorer
  • November 14, 2022

Scenario 1 👽

Find documents that mention Yoda and Luke Skywalker within 6 words of each other.

Yoda NEAR/6 “Luke Skywalker”

  • New Member
  • November 15, 2022


Scenario 2 🍔

Find documents that mention at least one of the following keywords: hamburgers, veggie burgers, and chicken tenders. These keywords should appear within four words of the keyword drive-through.


“Hamburgers” OR “Veggie burgers” OR “chicken tenders” NEAR/4

  • Explorer
  • November 21, 2022

(hamburgers OR “chicken tenders” OR “veggie burgers”) NEAR “drive-through”

Scenario 1 👽

“Yoda” near/6 “Luke Skywalker” 


Scenario 2 🍔

[hamburgers or “veggie burgers” or “chicken tenders”NEAR “ drive-through”


Scenario 3 ✈️

[luggage and “carry-ons” and “checked bag”] NEAR/10  “Delta Airlines”

  • mEmployee
  • January 12, 2023

Scenario 1:
“Yoda” NEAR/6 “Luke Skywalker”

Scenario 2:
(“Hamburgers” OR “Veggie Burgers” or “Chicken Tenders”) NEAR/4 “Drive-Through”

Scenario 3:

(“Luggage” OR “Carry-Ons” OR “Check Bag”) NEAR/10 “Delta Airlines”


  • Influencer
  • January 19, 2023

Scenario 1:

( “Yoda” NEAR/6 “Luke Skywalker") 


Scenario 2: 

((“hamburgers”OR “veggie burgers" OR “chicken tenders") NEAR/4 “drive-through”)


Scenario 3: 

(“luggage” OR “carry-ons” OR “checked bag” ) NEAR/10 “Delta Airlines"

Maria Dehne
mChampion Level 3
  • mChampion Level 3
  • January 19, 2023

(“Yoda”) near/6 (“Luke Skywalker”)

mChampion Level 3
  • mChampion Level 3
  • January 25, 2023

Scenario 1 👽

Find documents that mention Yoda and Luke Skywalker within 6 words of each other.

(“Yoda” NEAR/6 (“Luke Skywalker” OR “Luke”))


Scenario 2 🍔

Find documents that mention at least one of the following keywords: hamburgers, veggie burgers, and chicken tenders. These keywords should appear within four words of the keyword drive-through.

(((“Hamburger” OR “Hamburgers”) AND (“Veggie Burger” OR “Veggie Burgers”)) OR “Chicken Tenders”) NEAR/4 (“Drive-through” OR “Drive through” OR “drive-thru”))


Scenario 3 ✈️

Find documents that mention the keywords luggage, carry-ons, and checked bag within 10 words of the keyword Delta Airlines.

(Luggage AND (“Carry-on” OR “Carry-ons”) AND “Checked Bag*”) NEAR/10 (“Delta Airlines” OR “Delta”))


(luggage AND “carry-ons” AND “checked bag”) NEAR/10 “Delta Airlines”

  • New Member
  • March 1, 2023

Yoda NEAR/6 “Luke Skywalker”

(hamburgers OR “veggie burgers” OR “chicken tenders”) NEAR “drive-through”

(luggage AND “carry-ons” AND “checked bag”) NEAR/10 “Delta Airlines”

  • Influencer
  • March 3, 2023

Yoda NEAR/6 “Luke Skywalker”

(hamburgers OR “veggie burgers” OR “chicken tenders”) NEAR “drive-through”

(luggage AND “carry-ons” AND “checked bag”) NEAR/10 “Delta Airlines”

Sc1 "Yoda" NEAR/6 "Luke Skywalker"
Sc2 ("hamburgers" OR "veggie burgers" OR "chicken tenders") NEAR "drive-through"
Sc3 ("luggage" AND "carry-ons" AND "checked bag") NEAR/10 "Delta Airlines"

  • Explorer
  • March 28, 2023

(“Yoda”  AND  “Luke Skywalker”) OR (“Starwars” AND “Laser Beam”) NOT (“Luke”)

  • Influencer
  • April 11, 2023

1: Yoda NEAR/6 “Luke Skywalker”

2: “Drive-through” NEAR/4 (Hamburgers OR “Veggie burgers” OR “Chicken tenders”)

3: (Luggage OR “carry-ons” OR “checked bag”) NEAR/10 “Delta Airlines”

  • Influencer
  • April 27, 2023

#1: "Yoda" near/6 "Luke Skywalker"

#2: ("hamburgers" OR "veggie burgers" OR "chicken tenders") near/4 "drive-through"

#3: ("luggage" OR "carry-ons" OR "checked bag") near/10 "Delta Airlines"

Scenario 1 

(“Yoda” near/6 “Luke Skywalker”)

Scenario 2 

((“hamburgers” or “Veggie burgers” or “Chicken tenders”) near (“Drive-through” or “Drive-thru”))

Scenario 3 

((“luggage” or “carry-ons” or“checked bag”) near/10 “Delta Airlines”)


Scenario 1: Yoda NEAR/6 "Luke Skywalker"

Scenario 2: "drive-through" NEAR/4 (hamburgers OR "veggie burgers" OR "chicken tenders")

Scenario 3: "Delta Airlines" NEAR/10 (luggage OR "carry-ons" OR "checked bag")

“Delta Airlines” NEAR/10 (luggage AND carry-ons AND “checked bag”)

  • New Member
  • May 8, 2023

Scenario 1:  Yoda NEAR/6 "Luke Skywalker"

Scenario 2:  (hamburgers OR "veggie burgers" OR "chicken tenders") near "drive-through"

Scenario 3:  ("luggage" AND "carry-ons" AND "checked bag") NEAR/10 "Delta Airlines"

mChampion Level 2
  • mChampion Level 2
  • May 10, 2023

(luggage AND carry-on* AND "checked bag*") NEAR/10 "Delta Airline*"

  • New Member
  • June 1, 2023

(hamburgers OR "veggie burgers" OR "chicken tenders") NEAR/4 "drive-through"

  • New Member
  • June 2, 2023

“Yoda” NEAR/6 “luke skywalker”

(“hamburgers” OR ‘veggie burgers” OR “chicken tenders”) NEAR “drive through”

(“luggage” AND “carry ons” AND “checked bag”) NEAR/10 “delta airlines”

Scenario 1 👽

(“Yoda”) NEAR/6 (“Luke Skywalker”)

Scenario 2 🍔

(("drive-through") NEAR (“hamburgers” OR “veggie burgers” OR “chicken tenders”))

Scenario 3 

"Delta Airlines" NEAR/10 (“luggage” OR "carry-ons" OR "checked bag")


  • Influencer
  • June 8, 2023

Scenario 1 👽


“Yoda” Near/6 “Luke Skywalker”


Scenario 2 🍔


(“hamburgers” OR “veggie burgers” OR “chicken tenders”) NEAR/4 “drive-through”

Scenario 3 ✈


(“luggage”AND “carry-ons” AND “checked bag”) ONEAR/10 “Delta Airlines”

(“yoda” NEAR/6 “Luke Skywalker”)


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