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I seem to have a recurring problem when an article that is on the platform is not pulling through one of my searches. This is after I’ve added URL and/or TITLE information. So I end up using Live Chat and while the agents have always been able to identify the issue (usually from the NOT section of  Boolean), I would like to be able to identify the issue myself.

Is there a way to search within the Boolean of a search for words that might be causing the exclusion? If not, I’d love to be able to do that. 

Hey ​@Peggy K - thanks so much for reaching out with this question! I just wanted to clear this up - in this situation, are you looking for a specific word in your Boolean (i.e., do you already know which word could be the problem, you just don’t know where in the Boolean it occurs)? If so, you can use command+f / ctrl+f to find the word in your search (screenshot included to show an example highlighted in my own search):



Does this cover what you’re looking for?

Thanks, Jacinda! I don’t know why I didn’t think to try that--I use it to search articles a lot. Yes, this is what I was thinking. My hope is that I can eliminate some of the possibilities (and fix the issue) before resorting to Live Chat.
