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📕 mOlympians Week 2 Playbook: Monitoring a Brand Crisis

📕 mOlympians Week 2 Playbook: Monitoring a Brand Crisis

+Welcome+back+for+Week+2+of+the+mOlympian+Summer+Games+in+mCommunity!+🏅">🏅 Welcome back for Week 2 of the mOlympian Summer Games in mCommunity! 🏅



Now that we’ve spent the past week learning about and creating amazing brand searches, it’s time to take those skills to the next level. This week’s Objective is one we try to avoid, but is vital to the toolset of any communicator: Monitoring a Brand Crisis. Now, here is your Playbook with everything you need to achieve this goal:


Week 2 Objective

Your mission this week is to create an Advanced Search specifically to monitor the unfolding conversation around a crisis pertaining to the Summer Olympics brand. Using what you learned in this and last week’s training, as well as the resources below, create a “crisis” custom category to use as a filter on your search from last week.

Feel free to use the sample crisis provided in the workshop to build your custom category, or invent your own! 


Once you’ve created your custom category, share your boolean in this thread for feedback so we can all work together and create the ultimate crisis monitoring filter!




Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday’s workshops! Great news for those who didn’t - the recording of yesterday’s Americas timezone workshop is now available right here in the community:


The product workshop Monitoring a Brand Crisis is offered at two different times. Please register for the one that works best for your schedule*:

*If you are unable to attend either of these sessions, the recordings will be made available in mCommunity within 24 hours of the workshop.



Quiz for a Badge & Points

After attending the workshop, you must complete the assessment quiz in mAcademy (click the Enroll button on the quiz page for access) to be awarded the credential and points for course completion.






Share your Custom Category Boolean for Points

Once you’ve created your crisis custom category, share your boolean in this thread for feedback, so we can all work together and create the perfect crisis monitoring search! Please copy and paste your boolean string into a comment on this post, along with any tips, tricks, or feedback about this week’s exercise.

Pro tip: You’ll earn points for both submitting your Boolean string as well as for giving feedback on others’ posts in this thread!

Just like last week, there is no bonus for “winning” this week’s challenge. We all win when we learn together and create the best possible search. Not only will sharing and critiquing in this thread score you points now, it will benefit you down the line when it’s time to create your report at the end of the Games - not to mention that it will improve all of our skillsets when it comes to crisis and risk awareness, monitoring, and management 🙌


Last week was amazing - let’s take that electric energy and channel it into the next round of this Boolean Bonanza! And don’t forget to share your Crisis custom category in the comments 👇

My attempt: 

(("soccer" NEAR/5 scandal) OR ("football" NEAR/5 scandal) OR ("soccer" AND "scandal") OR ("football" AND "scandal") OR ("soccer" AND crisis) OR ("football" AND crisis) OR ("soccer" AND scandal AND crisis) OR ("football" AND scandal AND crisis) OR "drone") AND country:ca

Also FYI to everyone here: yesterday’s workshop on Monitoring a Brand Crisis (Americas timezone) is now available to watch On Demand:

 (PS: Don’t forget to take the quiz to get your limited edition mCommunity badge and 100 points in the competition!)

The quiz was fun, i kept going wrong with 1 response but got it right the 3rd time 😉, but glad i scored well 😎

My first attempt based on the first use case which is “Indian Wrestling Controversy”. I have tried to include all relevant keywords, emojis, Hindi language (Indian language) and channels


((Vinesh OR Phogat* OR "VineshPhogat") ONEAR (weigh* OR medal OR disqualified OR disqualify OR disqualification OR controversy OR plea OR appeal)) OR

((Vinesh OR Phogat*) AND (emojis:"😠" OR emojis:"😡" OR emojis:"😧" OR emojis:"😨" OR emojis:"😰")) OR ((विनेश OR फोगाट*) ONEAR (वजन* OR पदक OR अयोग्य OR अयोग्यता OR विवाद OR याचिका OR अपील)) OR

((Vinesh OR Phogat*) AND (infoType:“news” OR infoType:“social” OR infoType:“broadcast” OR socialType:“twitter” OR socialType:“facebook” OR socialType:“instagram” OR socialType:“reddit” OR socialType:“youtube” OR socialType:“social_comments” OR socialType:“social_reviews” OR socialType:“social_blogs”))

And here is my second attempt based on the use case of “Gender dispute controversy”. I have kept this custom category broad such that i am able to track any conversation related to discrimination or inclusivity.


("Imane Khelif" OR Imane* OR Khelif*) OR (feminists OR bullying OR transvestigators OR "gender battle" OR genderbattle OR genderoutrage OR "gender outrage" OR "born a man" OR transgender OR "trans woman" OR transwoman OR transperson OR "trans person" OR "biological male" OR "gender row" OR handicap OR (controversy ONEAR Olympian* ONEAR gender)) !! Keywords specific to Paris Olympics 2024!!
OR (discrimination OR discriminate OR discriminated OR discriminating OR equality OR equalities OR "equal rights" OR equalrights OR "equal right" OR equalright OR "gender equality" OR genderequality OR "gender bias" OR genderbias OR "race bias" OR "racial bias" OR inclusion OR inclusions OR inclusive OR inclusivity OR harassment OR derogatory OR racist OR racists OR racism) !! Keywords from crisis boolean list!!


Custom category around weather crisis management:


weather NEAR/20 ("rain" OR "downpour" OR "lightning" OR "thunder" OR "rising temperatures" OR "hottest" OR "heat wave")

My first attempt based on the first use case which is “Indian Wrestling Controversy”. I have tried to include all relevant keywords, emojis, Hindi language (Indian language) and channels


((Vinesh OR Phogat* OR "VineshPhogat") ONEAR (weigh* OR medal OR disqualified OR disqualify OR disqualification OR controversy OR plea OR appeal)) OR

((Vinesh OR Phogat*) AND (emojis:"😠" OR emojis:"😡" OR emojis:"😧" OR emojis:"😨" OR emojis:"😰")) OR ((विनेश OR फोगाट*) ONEAR (वजन* OR पदक OR अयोग्य OR अयोग्यता OR विवाद OR याचिका OR अपील)) OR

((Vinesh OR Phogat*) AND (infoType:“news” OR infoType:“social” OR infoType:“broadcast” OR socialType:“twitter” OR socialType:“facebook” OR socialType:“instagram” OR socialType:“reddit” OR socialType:“youtube” OR socialType:“social_comments” OR socialType:“social_reviews” OR socialType:“social_blogs”))

I LOVE THIS!!! Great ideas here!!!



@Inge - simple isn’t bad! The beauty of using a custom category is that you can let the search you’ve already built do a lot of the heavy lifting and keeping it simple keeps it easy to edit and tweak on the fly! I do think I would probably include some alternate spellings (like “raygunn” or “Rachel Gunn”) in this search. I tested this and it gave me a lot more results! And now I’m falling down the rabbit hole of reading all about this truly bizarre story 😳🍿

Ahh yes, I’ll try that! And yes - what a story!! I only started looking into it once I saw all the Instagram memes pop up. Kudos to her though. 🙌🏻 Definitely did not deserve all that hate - a very un-Olympian response!

And here is my second attempt based on the use case of “Gender dispute controversy”. I have kept this custom category broad such that i am able to track any conversation related to discrimination or inclusivity.


("Imane Khelif" OR Imane* OR Khelif*) OR (feminists OR bullying OR transvestigators OR "gender battle" OR genderbattle OR genderoutrage OR "gender outrage" OR "born a man" OR transgender OR "trans woman" OR transwoman OR transperson OR "trans person" OR "biological male" OR "gender row" OR handicap OR (controversy ONEAR Olympian* ONEAR gender)) !! Keywords specific to Paris Olympics 2024!!
OR (discrimination OR discriminate OR discriminated OR discriminating OR equality OR equalities OR "equal rights" OR equalrights OR "equal right" OR equalright OR "gender equality" OR genderequality OR "gender bias" OR genderbias OR "race bias" OR "racial bias" OR inclusion OR inclusions OR inclusive OR inclusivity OR harassment OR derogatory OR racist OR racists OR racism) !! Keywords from crisis boolean list!!


Such a good one!!👌🏻

Great catch, @Suman Chanda! Your instincts and eye are top notch, but this is actually a valid way to search for negative sentiment 😳 you can use the following shorthand for sentiment to simplify your boolean:

  • p - positive
  • n - neutral
  • v - negative
  • u - not rated

Good to know! Thanks for sharing @Jacinda Espinosa 

Alright, here's my first attempt:

("Summer Olympics 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing") OR ("Olympic Games 2024" NEAR/10 "breaking") OR ("Paris 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing")) AND (crisis OR scandal OR controversy OR issue OR problem OR "public opinion") AND (sentiment:v OR sentiment:negative)



Alright, here's my first attempt:

("Summer Olympics 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing") OR ("Olympic Games 2024" NEAR/10 "breaking") OR ("Paris 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing")) AND (crisis OR scandal OR controversy OR issue OR problem OR "public opinion") AND (sentiment:v OR sentiment:negative)



I’d add Raygun to this as a keyword!

Alright, here's my first attempt:

("Summer Olympics 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing") OR ("Olympic Games 2024" NEAR/10 "breaking") OR ("Paris 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing")) AND (crisis OR scandal OR controversy OR issue OR problem OR "public opinion") AND (sentiment:v OR sentiment:negative)



I’d add Raygun to this as a keyword!

Great suggestion! Thank you :)

Another version of my Breakdancing search :)

(("Summer Olympics 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing") OR ("Olympic Games 2024" NEAR/10 "breaking") OR ("Paris 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing")) AND (crisis OR scandal OR controversy OR issue OR problem OR "public opinion") AND ("Rachael Gunn" OR "Raygun") AND (sentiment:v OR sentiment:negative)


@Cristina Mendes - great work! I just wanted to quickly call out that if you use sentiment:v you don’t need sentiment:”negative” - these mean the same thing to the search, so it’s redundant to include both 🙏

@Cristina Mendes - great work! I just wanted to quickly call out that if you use sentiment:v you don’t need sentiment:”negative” - these mean the same thing to the search, so it’s redundant to include both 🙏

Oh, good to know! Thanks for pointing that out. The AI tool generated both options for sentiment analysis, but I'll make sure to use one or the other moving forward. This information will be useful for the product development team. :)

Well, in this case. Here's my final try:

(("Summer Olympics 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing") OR ("Olympic Games 2024" NEAR/10 "breaking") OR ("Paris 2024" NEAR/10 "breakdancing")) AND (crisis OR scandal OR controversy OR issue OR problem OR "public opinion") AND ("Rachael Gunn" OR "Raygun") AND sentiment:negative

@Cristina Mendes - great work! I just wanted to quickly call out that if you use sentiment:v you don’t need sentiment:”negative” - these mean the same thing to the search, so it’s redundant to include both 🙏

Oh, good to know! Thanks for pointing that out. The AI tool generated both options for sentiment analysis, but I'll make sure to use one or the other moving forward. This information will be useful for the product development team. :)

@Cristina Mendes - thanks so much for sharing that info! I will absolutely pass it along 🌟


Since we’ve all been playing with the AI Search Assistant like crazy for these challenges, I thought it would also be a good idea to also let everyone here know what to do when you come across errors with the Search Assistant, or if there is any other feedback you’d like to share. The best way to report errors/share your thoughts is via the Provide feedback link just under the text entry field right in the chat. This will ensure that your feedback is received and catalogued so that it is shared with the right internal teams 🙌


Since we’ve all been playing with the AI Search Assistant like crazy for these challenges, I thought it would also be a good idea to also let everyone here know what to do when you come across errors with the Search Assistant, or if there is any other feedback you’d like to share. The best way to report errors/share your thoughts is via the Provide feedback link just under the text entry field right in the chat. This will ensure that your feedback is received and catalogued so that it is shared with the right internal teams 🙌


Very helpful and good to know! 

I chose to monitor for a Bug Attack. Because that’s a thing now. May want to copy and paste my search into your Excel sheet @Jacinda Espinosa


"bugs" or "bug attack" or "maggot*" or "worm*" or "insect*" or ("cricket*" near/5 ("food" or "lunch" or "breakfast" or "dinner"))


Catching up here. I created this to monitor the coverage around athletes getting sick from swimming in the Seine. I am hesitant to use AND in many of my searches but this seems to produce some accurate results. Please let me know what ya’ll think about using AND and if there’s anything you’d do differently!

("Olympics" OR "Olympic Games") AND ("Seine" OR "Seine River") AND ("swim" OR "swimming") AND ("crisis" OR "emergency" OR "problem" OR "issue" OR "incident") AND ("ill" OR "sick" OR "health issue" OR "infection" OR "contamination")

NOT nsfw:true


NOT outletType:stock_market_news
