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📕 mOlympians Week 2 Playbook: Monitoring a Brand Crisis

📕 mOlympians Week 2 Playbook: Monitoring a Brand Crisis

+Welcome+back+for+Week+2+of+the+mOlympian+Summer+Games+in+mCommunity!+🏅">🏅 Welcome back for Week 2 of the mOlympian Summer Games in mCommunity! 🏅



Now that we’ve spent the past week learning about and creating amazing brand searches, it’s time to take those skills to the next level. This week’s Objective is one we try to avoid, but is vital to the toolset of any communicator: Monitoring a Brand Crisis. Now, here is your Playbook with everything you need to achieve this goal:


Week 2 Objective

Your mission this week is to create an Advanced Search specifically to monitor the unfolding conversation around a crisis pertaining to the Summer Olympics brand. Using what you learned in this and last week’s training, as well as the resources below, create a “crisis” custom category to use as a filter on your search from last week.

Feel free to use the sample crisis provided in the workshop to build your custom category, or invent your own! 


Once you’ve created your custom category, share your boolean in this thread for feedback so we can all work together and create the ultimate crisis monitoring filter!




Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday’s workshops! Great news for those who didn’t - the recording of yesterday’s Americas timezone workshop is now available right here in the community:


The product workshop Monitoring a Brand Crisis is offered at two different times. Please register for the one that works best for your schedule*:

*If you are unable to attend either of these sessions, the recordings will be made available in mCommunity within 24 hours of the workshop.



Quiz for a Badge & Points

After attending the workshop, you must complete the assessment quiz in mAcademy (click the Enroll button on the quiz page for access) to be awarded the credential and points for course completion.






Share your Custom Category Boolean for Points

Once you’ve created your crisis custom category, share your boolean in this thread for feedback, so we can all work together and create the perfect crisis monitoring search! Please copy and paste your boolean string into a comment on this post, along with any tips, tricks, or feedback about this week’s exercise.

Pro tip: You’ll earn points for both submitting your Boolean string as well as for giving feedback on others’ posts in this thread!

Just like last week, there is no bonus for “winning” this week’s challenge. We all win when we learn together and create the best possible search. Not only will sharing and critiquing in this thread score you points now, it will benefit you down the line when it’s time to create your report at the end of the Games - not to mention that it will improve all of our skillsets when it comes to crisis and risk awareness, monitoring, and management 🙌


Last week was amazing - let’s take that electric energy and channel it into the next round of this Boolean Bonanza! And don’t forget to share your Crisis custom category in the comments 👇

Excited to attend this one! As Marketing Communications Specialist for a higher ed institution, I am consistently asked to keep note of conversations happening around crises. Looking forward to the insights I’ll gather in tomorrow’s workshop. 

@LRobinson - excited to see you there! Don’t forget to bring your questions, even (especially!) the weird ones 🙌

(PS: I’ve updated last week’s leaderboard to include all points earned between July 30 12:00 AM and August 16 11:59 PM CDT. You can track this week’s Leaderboard here to get an idea of where things stand. I’ll continue to update the Google Sheet at the end/beginning of each week but y’all are wayyyyy too crazy awesome to stay on top of total points totals in real time 🌟)

@LRobinson - excited to see you there! Don’t forget to bring your questions, even (especially!) the weird ones 🙌

(PS: I’ve updated last week’s leaderboard to include all points earned between July 30 12:00 AM and August 16 11:59 PM CDT. You can track this week’s Leaderboard here to get an idea of where things stand. I’ll continue to update the Google Sheet at the end/beginning of each week but y’all are wayyyyy too crazy awesome to stay on top of total points totals in real time 🌟)

OMG how does one get 3000+ points in a single week??? 😱 Respect!


OMG how does one get 3000+ points in a single week??? 😱 Respect!


@Inge - we are technically counting all activity since July 30, so it’s a couple of weeks, but still… @Maria Dehne is a machine 🤖 😂 💕 (and @Cristina Mendes is pretty unstoppable too - anyone around for March mCommunity Madness knows her power! ⚡️)

The biggest piece of advice I can offer is to keep in mind that completing mAcademy courses are worth 100 points each, so you can rack up a ton of points quickly by taking (or finishing, if they’re already in progress) any trainings that catch your eye! For example, after finishing today’s workshop if you can’t get enough crisis management, you can try out the courses Crisis & Risk Management with Meltwater or Creating Boolean for Crisis & Risk Managementor if you want to get a jump on next week’s objectives you can check out Creating Dashboards with Meltwater

Your overall mCommunity activity contributes to your numbers as well (in case that’s not obvious). We don’t encourage spam, but if you feel like starting a discussion, asking a question, upvoting your colleagues, etc. - go for it! For more information on mCommunity activity points, check out the breakdown in this post about the mChampions superuser program:


I hope this helps you take your mCommunity Athleticism to the next level 🏋️️ 



I hope this helps you take your mCommunity Athleticism to the next level 🏋️️ 



Thanks for always providing opportunities for us to be the best we can mBe! 

I’m sad I have to miss today’s webinar, but I look forward to watching the recording when @Zach_Lepard posts it!

@Inge - we are technically counting all activity since July 30, so it’s a couple of weeks, but still… @Maria Dehne is a machine 🤖 😂 💕 (and @Cristina Mendes is pretty unstoppable too - anyone around for March mCommunity Madness knows her power! ⚡️)


I hope this helps you take your mCommunity Athleticism to the next level 🏋️️ 


You know me… Bring them on! 👊 We ready hehe Thanks for being the best Community Manager. 🌟

OMG how does one get 3000+ points in a single week??? 😱 Respect!




So true! 

Thank you for the discussion, today! Love the value AND the community and I look forward to what’s next.

I missed today’s Webinar. Looking forward to viewing the recording. I got several insights from week 1. As a new Meltwater user, this will be very helpful to get me started!

I missed today’s Webinar. Looking forward to viewing the recording. I got several insights from week 1. As a new Meltwater user, this will be very helpful to get me started!


I’m so glad to hear week 1 was helpful for you! Keep an eye out - we’ll have today’s session up tomorrow 🕺

I’m doing two versions since one of them is very close to an actual low level crisis situation we had during the Olympics. My organization needed to monitor an E. coli situation in Montana and we used U.S. mentions of the river in Paris as a baseline to compare traditional and social media coverage of both situations. The Paris one showed media coverage of E. coli in Montana was just a very small fraction of mentions of the safety of the Seine. Anyway… here’s my custom category with the Paris E. coli situation with a few enhancements for this exercise. If I have time this week I want to build the Canada soccer example from today’s webinar. 


( paris AND olympics AND river ) AND ( "e. coli" OR "E. coli" OR E.coli OR e.coli OR triathalon OR bacteria OR "Water Quality" OR Contamination OR "Waterborne Disease" OR "Water Pollution" OR Sanitation OR Sewage OR Pathogens OR "Coliform bacteria" OR "Water Testing" OR "Health Risks" OR "Swimmer Safety" OR "Swimming Events" OR "Open Water Swim" OR Aquatics )

And here is my custom category filter for the Canada soccer scandal

((canada AND drone) AND (soccer OR football)) AND (cheat* OR fifa OR "canadian olympic committee" OR "new zealand" OR Saint-Etienne OR bev OR beverly OR priestman OR "kevin blue" OR "andy spence" OR "david shoemaker" OR "Joseph Lombardi" OR "Jasmine Mander")

Not sure if my custom category is overly simple 🤔 -- I added a custom category to my broad Australian Olympics brand search to look for articles on breakdancer Raygun with negative sentiment. That results in:

("Raygun" or "Rachael Gunn") AND sentiment:v

Not sure if my custom category is overly simple 🤔 -- I added a custom category to my broad Australian Olympics brand search to look for articles on breakdancer Raygun with negative sentiment. That results in:

("Raygun" or "Rachael Gunn") AND sentiment:v

Short and simple! Hey you might want to check the syntax for negative sentiment, i am pretty sure its sentiment: “negative” :)

Not sure if my custom category is overly simple 🤔 -- I added a custom category to my broad Australian Olympics brand search to look for articles on breakdancer Raygun with negative sentiment. That results in:

("Raygun" or "Rachael Gunn") AND sentiment:v

Short and simple! Hey you might want to check the syntax for negative sentiment, i am pretty sure its sentiment: “negative” :)

Oohh thx I'll do that in my morning! AI helped, but a good reminder to carefully check! I did get 100% negative sentiment results though. 

@Will Swope - while I am NOT happy to hear that you had to manage comms around an E. coli situation, it’s cool to hear that there was an immediate practical application of monitoring the Seine river crisis in your actual work. Any boolean practice is helpful, regardless of how immediately obvious its relevance is, but this is a really good example of out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to benchmarking 🙌


Great catch, @Suman Chanda! Your instincts and eye are top notch, but this is actually a valid way to search for negative sentiment 😳 you can use the following shorthand for sentiment to simplify your boolean:

  • p - positive
  • n - neutral
  • v - negative
  • u - not rated


Spelling out the type of sentiment you’re after (i.e. “negative”) is totally valid, but the AI Assistant will generally use these single letter versions when providing guidance, and it will still work as intended 😄


@Inge - simple isn’t bad! The beauty of using a custom category is that you can let the search you’ve already built do a lot of the heavy lifting and keeping it simple keeps it easy to edit and tweak on the fly! I do think I would probably include some alternate spellings (like “raygunn” or “Rachel Gunn”) in this search. I tested this and it gave me a lot more results! And now I’m falling down the rabbit hole of reading all about this truly bizarre story 😳🍿

Also FYI to everyone here: yesterday’s workshop on Monitoring a Brand Crisis (Americas timezone) is now available to watch On Demand:

 (PS: Don’t forget to take the quiz to get your limited edition mCommunity badge and 100 points in the competition!)

 (PS: Don’t forget to take the quiz to get your limited edition mCommunity badge and 100 points in the competition!)

The quiz was great. I proudly scored a 100%!

you can use the following shorthand for sentiment to simplify your boolean:

  • p - positive
  • n - neutral
  • v - negative
  • u - not rated

THANK YOU for sharing this!!! So great to know!!!

Here’s my attempt at creating the category search:

((canada AND drone) AND (soccer OR football OR futbol) AND (cheat* OR fifa OR "canadian olympic committee" OR "new zealand" OR "saint-etienne" OR bev OR beverly OR priestman OR "kevin blue" OR "andy spence" OR "david shoemaker" OR "joseph lombardi" OR "jasmine mander"))


I do see that @Will Swope and I essentially have the same string, so I think that’s a good sign.

And here is my custom category filter for the Canada soccer scandal

((canada AND drone) AND (soccer OR football)) AND (cheat* OR fifa OR "canadian olympic committee" OR "new zealand" OR Saint-Etienne OR bev OR beverly OR priestman OR "kevin blue" OR "andy spence" OR "david shoemaker" OR "Joseph Lombardi" OR "Jasmine Mander")

The only edit I’d suggest, @Will Swope, would be to also include futbol as a term too. :)

Here’s my attempt at creating the category search:

((canada AND drone) AND (soccer OR football OR futbol) AND (cheat* OR fifa OR "canadian olympic committee" OR "new zealand" OR "saint-etienne" OR bev OR beverly OR priestman OR "kevin blue" OR "andy spence" OR "david shoemaker" OR "joseph lombardi" OR "jasmine mander"))


I do see that @Will Swope and I essentially have the same string, so I think that’s a good sign.

I would say being able to match yours is a better sign for me. I always look to @DEClarke for tips and advice and he’s got a great suggestion on adding futbol and all versions of what the game is called.
