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Radarly: Discord Integration

We are adding Discord as a new source of data in Radarly for a small set of Radarly clients! 🎮 ✨This new integration enables monitoring of public messages that occur in your owned public Discord servers and channels. For the uninitiated: Discord is a free communication app used by tens of millions of people to talk and hang out with their favorite creators, communities and friends. Communication can be private or take place in virtual communities called servers (a collection of persistent chat rooms and voice channels which can be accessed via invite links) Read on to learn all about it:What is it? Brands use Discord: Who is this best for? How do I get started? What data is collected? What’s the Value? For PR/Comms Pros: For Marketing Pros: For Research & insights Pros: Learn more in the Help Center What is it?Brands use Discord:as a centralized hub to connect organically with their fans as the go-to space to collaborate with fans specifically on their upcoming product launch as a place to provide additional benefits for paying members such as: early access exclusive content  invites to private events Discord has always been focused primarily on gaming. Discord CEO Jason Citron calls it a service that “helps people deepen their friendships around games and shared interests.” Who is this best for?Radarly users who want to keep a close eye on conversations happening on their own servers!The largest communities on Discord are Gaming (20k+ servers) and Entertainment (11k+), while Education, Science & Tech, and Music are growing communities (~2k servers).Many of these servers have been around for years, and amassed many members. Traditionally, these have been managed outside of social media monitoring and analytics platforms, and all data needed to be manually reviewed, managed, and added to reports by analysts. With the combination of Reddit and Discord in Radarly, brands with active online communities are able to more easily understand, learn from, and report on community feedback ✨How do I get started?‼️ Note: This is currently available for a small set of clients - to gain access to the Discord integration, please reach out to to request review 🙏 Once you have confirmed that you have access, here’s how to get started:First, you’ll need to connect Discord in Radarly to start retrieving posts from your server(s). Once you’ve entered your Discord credentials, the data will start flowing in! Discord data will be displayed under the Forums source in Radarly. (Discord data will only be available in the Radarly projects where the related credentials have been entered)Note: Historical data is not available for Discord.  What data is collected?Brands will have access to all public conversations on their owned servers. Just like any regular content in Radarly, if a Discord post matches the search terms of your queries, it will appear in your project, as a Forum source.We do not have the ability to track Impressions, Estimated Reach or Engagement actions. Corpus and Author based queries are also not available for this source. What’s the Value?Discord is a huge source of customer feedback mainly for the gaming and education industries. Adding Discord as a source in Radarly allows companies in these industries to monitor conversations in their owned channels and servers, to listen directly to the Voice of the Customer. For PR/Comms Pros:Detect and monitor a crisis before it spins out of control.Brands involved in Discord strive to make safe and fun spaces but things aren’t always perfect - engaged communities may raise their concerns directly in a verified Discord channel and most (if not all) gaming companies have a trust and safety-focused team, supporting both public relations and player experience teams. For Marketing Pros: Listen to how your community speaks, find exciting user generated content, and detect active brand advocates.Marketers who drive collaboration and sponsorship efforts can learn which brands their players wish to see in their games (for example, tricking out your football-playing car in Rocket League to look straight out of Super Mario Bros) For Research & insights Pros:Quickly quantify feedback, investigate topics across many languages, and analyze emerging trends.Many gaming companies have user experience teams and community managers that monitor discussions on platforms like Discord and Reddit. They need to report on conversation changes, the impact of their work, and identify opportunities for in-game experience and merchandise, and this integration will help make that easier for them! Learn more in the Help CenterSetup: Radarly: Connect Your Social Accounts Boolean Operators: Learning Boolean Operators in Radarly

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Radarly: Discovery Explainer + Post Geolocation Detection Based on Images

Discovery Explainer Now Available to All Users What is it? What’s the value? How does it work? Learn more in the Help Center: Post Geolocation Detection Based on Images What is it? What’s the value? Learn more in the Help Center:  Discovery Explainer Now Available to All Users Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to instantly understand insightsAfter launching in Early Access this summer, we are now officially rolling out Discovery Explainer to all Radarly users!  What is it?Discovery Explainer is a new feature in Discovery that uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to contextualize and bring to life emerging terms found by Discovery. It scrolls, analyzes, and understands the posts behind emerging terms in order to generate a human-like text explanation that allows you to get context about about the emerging terms it has identified inside social data.This feature will be revolutionary to instantly understand insights, and to further democratize the data within your organizations. What’s the value?Discovery Explainer shortens the time to insight by not just detecting, but also processing and explaining the the social media learnings it identifies in users’ language. By harnessing the power of LLMs, this feature unlocks a deeper understanding of consumer intelligence data, enabling businesses to stay ahead in a competitive market. No need to know the queries of a Workspace inside and out - by providing the context around an emerging term, this feature empowers non-analysts and other occasional users to use and understand Discovery insights. Discovery Explainer leverages the power of Generative AI to provide context and understand how the software identifies and displays learnings.  How does it work?Once requested by the user, Discovery uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to scroll, analyze and understand the posts behind the detected peak, and generates a human-like text that allows you to better understand what’s happening behind the data.  This feature allows users to understand the context of social media trending terms, like:Key phrases Hashtags Affects Emotions Sentiment Content Classification (Last 7 days only).Explanations will be delivered in the language you have chosen for the Radarly UI (English, Chinese, French, Japanese, or German). Learn more in the Help Center:Radarly Discovery  Post Geolocation Detection Based on Images What is it? New AI capability that allows automated detection of famous places, cities and countries in images contained in posts.When a country, a city, or a place is detected in an image, this geolocation is automatically attributed to the related post (if the post has not already been geotagged by the author). This capability complements the other methods of post geolocation. What’s the value? This new image analysis capability allows you to:Benefit from a better precision on countries and cities detection to produce analysis and statistics Filter posts related to an emblematic place for qualitative analysis Learn more in the Help Center:Radarly: Geolocation

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Radarly: Discovery Explainer in early access

Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to instantly understand insights What is it?Discovery Explainer is a new feature in Discovery that uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to contextualize and bring to life emerging terms found by Discovery. It scrolls, analyzes, and understands the posts behind emerging terms in order to generate a human-like text explanation that allows you to get context about about the emerging terms it has identified inside social data.This feature will be revolutionary to instantly understand insights, and to further democratize the data within your organizations. What’s the value?Discovery Explainer shortens the time to insight by not just detecting, but also processing and explaining the the social media learnings it identifies in users’ language. By harnessing the power of LLMs, this feature unlocks a deeper understanding of consumer intelligence data, enabling businesses to stay ahead in a competitive market. No need to know the queries of a Workspace inside and out - by providing the context around an emerging term, this feature empowers non-analysts and other occasional users to use and understand Discovery insights. Discovery Explainer leverages the power of Generative AI to provide context and understand how the software identifies and displays learnings. How does it work?Once requested by the user, Discovery uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to scroll, analyze and understand the posts behind the detected peak, and generates a human-like text that allows you to better understand what’s happening behind the data.  This feature allows users to understand the context of social media trending terms, like:Key phrases Hashtags Affects Emotions Sentiment Content Classification (Last 7 days only). Explanations will be delivered in the language chosen by the user for Radarly UI (English, Chinese, French, Japanese, German). Learn more in the Help Center:Radarly Discovery

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Q2 Radarly Updates: Pinned Author Card, Twitter Views Metric, New Workspace Views, Image and Video Analysis

Here are all Product Releases for Radarly in Q2 2023:Pinned Author Card Twitter Views New Workspace Custom Views Additional New Workspace Custom Views Text Search in Images Video Analysis  Pinned Author CardWhat is it?With this release, the new card "Pinned Author" is added to extend the Insight Pages card library. This new option allows users to pin a particular author (a social account or a web page) on their Insight Page.What’s the value?The "Pinned author" card allows Insight Page users to highlight or showcase an author or a web page that has a particular impact in the context of their studies, through a dedicated card.How does it work?In order to insert an author in a "Pinned author" card, you need to first copy their ID. To do so, shortcuts have been added in the following menus:Copy author ID​​​​​​1. In the Analytics pages:On the post list:On the post preview:On the influencer's card: 2. In the Insight pages:Through the post list Create Pinned author card:Once you have your author's ID, choose the "Pinned author" card from the Editorial category of the cards library, and insert the author's ID in the dedicated field. As always with Insight page cards, you can customize the name of your "Pinned author" card.  Twitter ViewsWhat is it?A new metric, recently introduced by Twitter, that shows the total number of times a Tweet has been viewed. As of now, it is also depicted in Radarly analytic and Insight Pages.The views count will be displayed in all the previews and exports of any tweet in Radarly. What’s the value?It will help you:Filter data using this count by adding the advanced syntax in the search bar Example:  ‘twitter.score.impression:[100 TO 200]‘ ( = Tweets that have between 100 and 200 views). Rely on this metric for studies done on Radarly.How does it work?You can find the new Twitter views:In the Analytic pages, through the post list and the preview of the post In the Insight pages, through the post list or the pinned post cardsNotes and limitations?Please note that this metric is not taken into consideration when calculating engagements, impressions or estimated reach scores.   New Workspace Custom ViewsWhat is it?When creating a new workspace, it is now possible to choose a custom view among seven use case oriented views designed by our team of experts:What? Content What? Images What’s emerging? How? Sentiment Who? Authors Where? Countries & Towns When? Publication Activity  What’s the value?Each view provides the necessary widgets to deep dive into one of the above-listed topics.How does it work?This new feature can be used through:The posts and analytics page where users can navigate among these views using the following drop-down menu:Through the workspace tab of the settings where these views can be used as templates when creating your own custom view.  Additional New Workspace Custom ViewsWhat is it?The content classification feature allows you to classify your posts under different categories, depending on their topics. Thanks to our new AI models, a new version (v2) of the content classification feature comes with two drastic improvements, compared to the V1 release (see Release Note of August 25, 2021 for more info):An increased number of content categories for a more precise classification raised from 360 to 1072. (Example: in the category Movies we find more thorough sub-categories such as: Drama Films, Family Films, Horror Films) The support of new languages, raising the number of supported languages from 7 to 13. What’s the value?Users will be given more granularity of content categories to allow more relevant and more precise classification of their project's data.Users now have an extremely efficient alternative to complex boolean queries when using the settings for data capture.How does it work?Recap of the content classification feature:The content classification feature allows users to classify the project posts under a predefined set of categories built on a three-level ontology.It is available in the analytics, the insight pages and the settings:As a filter - to explore the project’s data As a data field for a widget - to see the distribution of the categories across the project data into different type of widgets As a filter in a search query - to collect new posts from the selected categories with or without  a boolean search query As a filter into a custom field - to automatically classify the project content Key improvements with v2:The main improvements with regard to the last version of the content classification feature, are depicted in the following table:   Content classification V1 Content classification V2 Categories 3-level ontology of categories inspired by the IAB Content Taxonomy, in total supports 370 categories Level 1 - 27 Level 2 - 171 Level 3 - 172 3-level ontology of categories inspired by the IAB Content Taxonomy, in total supports 1072 categories Level 1 - 27 Level 2 - 269 Level 3 - 778 Supported languages Total 7 languages English (EN) French (FR) Spanish (ES) Italian(IT) Portuguese (PT) German (DE) Swedish (SV) Total 13 languages English (EN) French (FR) Spanish (ES) Italian(IT) Portuguese (PT) German (DE) Swedish (SV) NEW: Traditional Chinese NEW: Simplified Chinese NEW: Japanese NEW: Korean NEW: Russian NEW: Dutch Field Type Multivalues Perf. exemple(% of posts with at least 1 tag- EN) 94,56%  Notes and limitations? It is important to note that all the categories of V1 still exist in V2.  Text Search in ImagesWhat is it?As of May 12, it is possible to search for text in the images of your project's posts. You can now also filter your posts' images according to the text written in them.What’s the value?This new feature will allow you to achieve a more thorough media-oriented analysis based on words appearing in captured images.How does it work?In order to find images in your project's posts that contain a text of your choosing, you can use the advanced search operator: "media.meta.text:xxxx"For example: To look for images in which "Versace" is written you can write in the search field: "media.meta.text:Versace"Notes and limitations?This option is only available for the following languages:Latin alphabet (alphanumeric) Japanese  Simplified ChineseIt is important to also note that this advanced operator is not functional when creating a search query and can only be used in a focus query or on a search filter on the fly.  Video AnalysisWhat is it?In addition to image analysis (already available), this release offers new AI capabilities allowing analysis of the video content of your project through advanced computer vision. This will allow the following:Logo recognition on videos Celebrity recognition on videos Scenes identification on videos Object identification on videosIn order to fully use this groundbreaking capability, this release comes with additional available options.Video content included in the Picture wall of the Posts & Analytics page  In the Insight Pages Library Cards, the Most Engaging Pictures card is now renamed as the Engaging Video and Pictures card, and includes images as well as videos  Two new card additions in the Insight Pages library cards: Logo recognition card Celebrity recognition card What’s the value?These video analysis capabilities will allow you to:dig deeper into all media-related data, whether it includes images or videos gain a comprehensive understanding of your online brand and tackle everything from crisis management to content ideation.The picture wall of Insight Pages and analytic pages now includes videos as well as images to help you better visualize the analyzed media contentThese newly-added cards will help you access the logo and celebrity recognition analysis on all media content (videos and images) directly and efficiently.How does it work? Video Analysis featureVideo analysis are now in general availability and can be activated in all projects. Please refer to your project manager for pricing and activation details.Logo and recognition cardsLogo and celebrity recognition cards can be added to your insight Page, only if you are subscribed to the feature.Please note that these cards are available in the word cloud as well as the horizontal bar chart.LimitationsVideo Analysis is currently available on Twitter videos only, with more platforms to be added in coming editions.

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Q1 Radarly Releases: Query History, Hide Terms and new Filters

Now that Radarly customers are part of mCommunity, we wanted to ensure all releases were available.  Here are the Product Releases Radarly saw in Q1 2023: Insights Pages: Hide Terms  Query Tab: History of Query Modifications and Authors  Settings: Filter out data with new Exclusion Query filter Insights pages: Date Range Display Option  Insights pages: Queries organized by workspace in the filter panel of project Insights Page: ‘My accounts’ filter available Exclusion Query: History of Query is now available  Insights Pages: Hide Terms  Release Date: January 09.2023What is it?Users can hide terms in any Insight Pages' card as long as it had one of the following attributes:Hashtag Mentions Named Entities Keyphrases AffectsThis action, available for both word cloud and bar chart, is reversible. Indeed, you can very well choose to restore any term you have previously hidden.What’s the value? This action allows users of the Insight Pages to make a more thorough analysis by dismissing terms that are irrelevant to their study such as spam.How does it work? To hide or restore a term:Using the editing mode of your card:  In a word cloud chart:  Click on the term of your choosing to hide. By clicking again, the term is restored. In a bar chart:  Click anywhere on the line dedicated to the term you want to hide. In the same way, by clicking again, the term is restored In both chart types, the term will be rendered gray to highlight its hidden state. You will also find your hidden terms listed , under "Hidden terms" in the right editing panel. If you click on the cross button of a hidden term in the editing panel, it will be restored.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Query Tab: History of Query Modifications and Authors  Release Date: January 11.2023What is it?We have released a feature in the Query tab of Radarly settings that allows you to view the history of a query's modifications and their authors.   What’s the value? This new option is particularly interesting for the management of global projects with potential several administrators. It is also a great helper for account managers or support to detect possible errors made by users when handling queries. How does it work? This option is available in the three vertical dots menu you can find in the queries list view or the query's page view. You can click on the "View history" option, to find: The list of the modifications done on your query and the owner of the update. The monitoring of the updates starts at the query creation, and for queries available before the release of the feature, it is possible to find the changes made since 2019. To go further, you can click on the small arrow of each item of the list, to access more details concerning the modification. We also expose the state that was available before the update in case you need to roll back a modification.Notes and limitationsThe tracking system of Radarly's queries started in 2019. If a query was created before the beginning of the tracking then its monitoring starts afterwards and we display an explicit message as shown  below.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Settings: Refine data with new Exclusion Query Release Date: February 06.2023What is it?A brand new page has been created in the Radarly settings, allowing super administrators to block off the posts that match its exclusion terms. This page is available in read-only mode for project administrators. Exclusion queries are not retroactive and they apply at the project level (terms in exclusion queries cannot be collected by a search query). What’s the value? This page is beneficial to pre-filter out the data that can enter into a project and so for data cleaning.  How does it work? The Exclusion queries tab is organized as follows:An information header: number of Exclusion queries (active or inactive) and the definition of exclusion queries Search bar: To search exclusion queries by: Label, Id, Exclusion terms The exhaustive list of the exclusion queries of the projectThe Exclusion queries  tab allows different actions:Search Exclusion queries by: Label, Id, Exclusion terms Sort Exclusion queries alphabetically or by size or last update. Create, Clone or Delete an exclusion queryFollowing the same principles of the Queries tab, the Exclusion query detailed page allows users to give the chosen attributes, namely:The name and description of the query The state of the query: whether active (Blocks data) or inactive (has no effect on the data of the project) The exclusion terms and filters of the query.   Insights pages: Date Range Display Option  Release Date: February 09.2023What is it?A new display option in edit mode is available to force chart units in weeks or months (instead of the default options).It is available when setting up a card with time series such as Queries - Posts over time, Platforms - Posts over time, Sentiment - Posts over time, etc.Default chart unit options remain available and are selected by default with the most suited display option if you do not want to customize. What’s the value? It offers more customization options to better fit analysis needsIt allows setting the same chart unit for 2 charts with a different date range (so far, something that was sometimes impossible because of the default choices)  How does it work? To choose your card's time unit, you can use the editing mode of your card, you can choose the better option among those available in the dropdown "Time unit" Insights pages: Queries organized by workspace in the filter panel of project Insight pages Release Date: February 23.2023What is it?A new option in the query selector when you edit a project Insight page. It allows sorting the queries according to their workspaces. What’s the value? To better see to which workspaces the used queries belong during the page setup.To improve the setup administration on global projects with a lot of queries and workspaces. How does it work? To organize the queries by workspace, you just need to activate the switch on button “Sort queries by workspace”.If there are queries without workspace in the project, they are grouped under the label “queries without workspace”, it is visible at the end of the list. Display the queries without the related workspace remains possible, by switching off the same button.Insights Page: ‘My accounts’ filter available Release Date: February 27.2023What is it?We have extended the "My accounts/Other" filter already available for Analytics pages to the Insight pages filter panel.As a reminder, this filter allows you to limit the analysis to publications from social accounts connected to the project's "Social Performance" (settings) or to exclude them. What’s the value? This option will help to choose, according to your objective of study, whether to focus on your owned or earned data. How does it work? You can find this new filter in the filter panel on the Insight page level or the card level. Notes and limitations:If no account is connected in the Social Performance, then this filter is unavailable.Exclusion Query: History of Query is now available Release Date: March 27.2023What is it?The history of query edition, already available in the queries tab, is now available for exclusion queries as well.To know more about this tab, please refer to Release Note of February 06, 2023 What’s the value? In the exclusion queries tab of Radarly's settings you can, as of now, consult the history of any exclusion query to know more about recent modifications, their owners and their dates. How does it work? To know more about this option please refer to the above section: ‘Exclusion queries’ tab of the settings - February 06, 2023.”

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