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Radarly Update

Radarly: General Availability of Discovery and Video Analysis

Related products: Radarly AI
Radarly: General Availability of Discovery and Video Analysis

Discovery: AI-powered Insight Assistant


What is it?


Discovery is Radarly’s AI-based Insight Assistant. This new technology automatically detects, explains, and surfaces unusual changes and shifts within a workspace dataset to help you discover important new insights.


What’s the value?


Discovery makes it easier than ever for companies to understand their customers, markets and brands. It will help you:

  • Discover new insights you may have otherwise missed
  • Save time in dataset exploration and understanding
  • Perform deeper analyses
  • Leverage the full potential of Radarly 🙌


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Video Analysis


What is it?


Video Analysis uses advanced computer vision to identify logos, celebrities, scenes, and objects, allowing you to capture insights from video content on social media platforms.


What's the value?


Video Analysis brings value to all Radarly use cases, including:

  • Brand reputation monitoring and management 
  • Crisis management
  • Content ideation
  • Takes Sponsorship use cases to the next level, with additional insights in video that couldn’t be found in video thumbnails or other associated images 


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