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Opening Ceremonies

🔥 Opening Ceremonies: mOlympians 2024 🔥

🔥 Opening Ceremonies: mOlympians 2024 🔥

🔥🏅🌎 Welcome to the Opening Ceremonies 🌏🏅🔥

Share How We Can Support Your Learning Goals!


The pageantry! ✨ The spectacle! 🤩 The...setting realistic and ambitious learning goals to help us get the most out of this shared training experience! 🤯💥🎉

It can only be one thing: the Opening Ceremonies for the mOlympian Summer Games challenge in mCommunity 🙌


Workshop Schedule

Over the course of the competition, we’ll be sharing a lot of information with you to help you get up to speed on everything you need to succeed at the challenges ahead. Starting right now with our workshop schedule and registration links. Find them in our August Events post here:


Say Hello!

By now, you have probably found the Virtual Olympic Village Meet & Greet thread, but be sure to stop by if you haven’t yet to introduce yourself and get to know some of the competition/friends joining you on this journey:


Set a Learning Goal

Going in with a learning goal can help you stay focused and motivated, just in case the promise of Crocs isn’t quite enough. It’s a good idea to set at least one goal for yourself before embarking on this journey - this way, even if you don’t take home the gold you’ll be able to look back on your experience with a solid example of how you improved your abilities in Brand Monitoring, Crisis Monitoring, and Reporting.


Some examples could include:

  • Use the AI Search Assistant to build or refine an Advanced Search (if you haven’t already!)
  • Use a boolean operator you’ve never used before in a search
  • Help someone else refine a search
  • Create at least one custom category
  • Identify your biggest knowledge gap/area for improvement, and create a plan to address it


Or anything else you can think of!



Share your personal learning goal in the comments (you’ll even get points counted toward your mOlympian total) and let’s brainstorm ways to help each other achieve our objectives! 👇

🏅Cue the Olympic theme music-- let the games begin and happy opening ceremonies! I’m excited for all these opportunities and my goal is to learn at least one new thing that I can actively use in my day-to-day Meltwater needs. 

Amazing start to the Opening Ceremony! Absolutely thrilled 🏊🏄🏾🏋🏾🤼🏼

My goal is to catch up with all the product releases/boolean updates in the past 6 months to a year time frame and optimize all the existing queries and evaluate the accuracy and performance. I also intend to complete a ton of certifications from the Meltwater academy and flaunt them on my LinkedIn 😉

I’d like to learn more about this topic: Create at least one custom category



I would like to use the AI Search Assistant to refine my searches.  This would be working smarter for sure! 🤺

One of my goals is to learn how to use the AI assistant - I don’t think I’ve tried that so far. 

One of my goals is to learn how others use and create media monitoring reports. 

How exciting! Let the games begin 🥇✨👊🔥 I’m setting a goal to use a boolean operator I have never used before in a search.

First-timer in the community. I’m just wandering around in a joyful dazed state. So much to learn. I’m glad you are all here!
Michelle W.

Welcome, @Michelle Winters ! Definitely lots to learn, but just take it one post at a time. The search box can be helpful to find topics you might be interested in! 

Excited to learn more! What a fun way to engage your audiences and help us all add to our toolboxes. 

I’m excited to learn how to optimize searches to best tell my brand’s story! 

@Michelle Winters - awesome to have you joining us in mCommunity during a very exciting time! 🌟 @Maria Dehne has given you some awesome advice for sure ✨ Don’t be afraid to ask any questions that might come up for you - if you’re thinking it, you can bet someone else is too! And of course, my DMs are always open if you have any questions or feedback about mCommunity (or about the Summer Games, for that matter).

I’m loving getting to see all of your learning goals here in this thread! I can’t wait to see the results of your work in this challenge 🏅

Since I’m so new to Meltwater, I want to refine my searches. I also haven’t created any reporting so there’s lots of opportunity to grow!

I would like to learn to help others in my team to use Meltwater more effectively and be comfortable with Boolean searches and learn ablout all the updates.

My goal is to leverage the AI capabilities in my searches. 

May the odds be ever in our dream of owning Meltwater Crocs favor!

My goal is to become better and more efficient at using AI in searches and other ways. As I have embraced AI as a tool, I want to become an expert in using AI to improve my overall quality of work.

Since I’m so new to Meltwater, I want to refine my searches. I also haven’t created any reporting so there’s lots of opportunity to grow!

I’m with you on being pretty new! I think I’ve figured out some of my searches, but I’m trying now to figure out what makes sense for us to monitor. Good luck on your learning adventure! 🙂

Since I’m so new to Meltwater, I want to refine my searches. I also haven’t created any reporting so there’s lots of opportunity to grow!

I’m with you on being pretty new! I think I’ve figured out some of my searches, but I’m trying now to figure out what makes sense for us to monitor. Good luck on your learning adventure! 🙂

Newbie here too! Trying to learn as much as I can and this seems like a fun way to do so!

Newbie here too! Trying to learn as much as I can and this seems like a fun way to do so!

The MOST fun way! 

Just finished the first workshop, so excited about the AI tools! My goal is to leverage these tools to generate powerful searches and insightful reports for my stakeholders. Looking forward to more learning! 😀

My goal for the mOlympian Summer Games is to learn how to construct a targeted social media search that can run in the background and efficiently surface valuable insights out of all of the noise. 🤓


