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Meltwater Update

Newsedge Content Fully Integrated into Meltwater

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Newsedge Content Fully Integrated into Meltwater

Meltwater has partnered with Newsedge (aka Moody’s, aka Naviga, aka Acquire Media) to provide users with print, broadcast, and online content across 10,000+ sources globally.


What is it?


Traditionally a customer specific RSS-based subscription, Newsedge content is now fully integrated into the Meltwater platform via firehose.  The change highlights an improvement to the user experience, ease of use, reporting capabilities, and an increase in relevant coverage.


What’s changing?

  • Newsedge content is fully integrated under News and Broadcast
  • Dedicated "Global Premium" news sub-filter in Explore
  • Individual Source Selection
  • Various filter and analytics capabilities
  • Content is hosted in Meltwater and opens in-app with full-text access and newsletter access
  • New PLIs: "Global Print Media" and "Global Print Magazines"

Hi @Jacinda Espinosa. Our organization has recently upgraded our account to include your Global Print offering, however in the explore function I do not see the option for the “Global Premium” sub-filter. Would you have any insights on this to fix?

Hey @bparmar - thanks so much for reaching out with your question! I reached out to a colleague about this to check on this and they let me know that this is showing up in your contract and on your Meltwater account. They shared the following steps in case you aren’t looking for this in the right place:

  1. Go to Explore
  2. Click the Source Type dropdown
  3. Click the arrow next to News
  4. Click Premium License
  5. Check Global Premium


Please let me know if you’re still unable to find this! 🙏

Thanks @Jacinda Espinosa! Confirming I see now and am able to filter by

Yay! Thank you so much for letting us know, @bparmar 🎉