Monitor Update

Monitor: Media Lists and Author Lists

Related products: Monitor
Monitor: Media Lists and Author Lists

What is it?


Now you can power your content stream with mentions from your people of interest, selecting a Media List or Twitter Author List from the main dropdown View. Any input selector in Monitor will load mentions from the media contacts or social handles in that list.



What’s the value?


Media and Author Lists can power all of the streams in a saved View - making that View or a stream in that view people-specific.

  • People-specific Monitoring Views: Content is created by people. For those users particularly concerned with following people of interest, Media and Author Lists can power all of the streams in a saved View - making that View or a stream in that view people-specific. No need to create new searches or use complex booleans with the aim to focus on specific people. 
  • Save time with ad-hoc search for journalists: Some users have a list of existing authors in their Media List, but don’t want to update their searches to return articles by those authors. Now, you can follow what those people are saying, focus on searches of interest, and even review broadcast content (TV and radio) - in one view.
  • Identify media opportunities: By focusing your Monitoring View to specific authors, you can identify trends, topics of interest, and comparisons without customizing a search. Applying Media Lists as a Monitoring View supports media outreach efforts by combining people of interest into one view for quick analysis. You can then use the content actions in the content stream (find, sort) to narrow down further.




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Monitor: Media List and Author Lists
