Explore Update

Explore / Explore for MI & Smart Alerts: Spike Analysis & Content Clusters

Related products: Explore Content, Tags, Alerts, & Labels AI
Explore / Explore for MI & Smart Alerts: Spike Analysis & Content Clusters

Focus on the news and social media that matter most and gain a complete picture of your dataset through AI-powered spike analysis, clusters, and summaries.


First announced during the Product Deep Dive: Social Listening & Consumer Intelligence session at Summit, Spike Analysis and Content Clusters were instant hits among early access users. Today, we launch them globally for all Explore customers



What is it?

  • Spike Analysis: a new AI-powered insights feature on the Mentions Trend widget in Explore: Spike Detection and Analysis. Identify statistically relevant shifts in news and social media conversation, with summary explanations and insight drill-ins to view mentions and additional spike analytics. 
    • We’ve also updated our Spike Alerts with the new contextual analytics across email, in-app, and Slack!
  • Content Clusters: a new AI-powered widget on the Overview tab in Explore. Using a proprietary AI, Meltwater clusters related search results based on topic similarity and generates summaries for the clustered content. The new widget helps by highlighting the most relevant content, quickly organizing similar stories, and summarizing the main points. Source types include News, Blogs, Twitter, and Reddit. 

What’s the value?

Don’t take our word for it. See what early access customers have had to say about it! 😄


Spike Analysis

  • Save time - 
    • “It definitely made it quicker for me to identify what the spikes are relating to, and to give a granular level of data.”
  • Find relevant insights fast - 
    • ​​​​​​​“I really like that you can export the Analytics graphs from the right-hand sidebar when you click on a spike. This is useful for reporting.”
  • Understand what’s driving data shifts - 
    • ​​​​​​​“It was really helpful to understand if something was spiking because of News or Twitter, which would prompt me to go in to do more filtering & research for that specific source.”

Content Clusters

  • Save time - 
    • ​​​​​​​“I love the Content Clusters. They are my favorite thing.”
    • “I really did enjoy being able to immediately find an article with the most duplicates without scrolling through.”
  • Gain a more complete picture, find overlooked themes - 
    • ​​​​​​​“Before content clusters, it was hard to find out what other diseases were being talked about besides Covid. With Content Clusters, I was able to detect other subject matters, besides Covid, that were relevant without me having to dig through thousands of posts.”

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