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Engage: Publish: Instagram Collab posts + Media Attachment Validation Improvements

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Engage: Publish: Instagram Collab posts + Media Attachment Validation Improvements

Last week was a busy one for Engage updates - we’re happy to announce new features to help broaden your reach and simplify media posts.



">Publish: Reach a Wider Audience with Instagram Collab Posts 👯

Instagram Collab posts allow two or more creators to come together to craft a Feed Post or Reel, and seamlessly share it on each collaborator’s profile simultaneously. This has been a top request among Engage users, and we’re excited to support this Instagram feature directly in Engage: Publish ✨

Reach a wider audience: Leveraging an Instagram Collab post with another brand or creator allows you to tap into each other’s audience, broadening your reach collectively. It’s a win-win scenario, unlocking new avenues for all involved parties to connect with fresh, untapped audiences. 

Increase engagement: Collaborative posts often witness heightened engagement rates, fueled by the excitement of fans of all sides. Not to mention, the post is shared across both feeds and audiences, amplifying your message and increasing raw potential for engagement 💫


See it in action




Media Attachment Validation Improvements + 4 New Error Messages


While Engage boasts a 99% successful publish rate, there is always room to improve the publishing experience for the 1% that fail. One of the top reasons why posts fail is due to media validation issues, or when a user has included an attached image, video, or gif that does not fit the current requirements for the channel (ex: the file is too large, aspect ratio is incorrect, etc.). This can result in the social channel rejecting the message and preventing it from posting, or Engage preventing the media from being attached altogether.

We’ve expanded the parameters that media is checked against when uploaded (via Publish and Conversations), and removed some requirements that no longer apply. This brings Engage requirements into better alignment with individual social channels, and should only be felt by you in terms of your failure rates decreasing. The workflow for uploading attached media remains unchanged.


We’ve also updated the mapping for error codes from social channels to ensure more helpful error messages, as well as introducing four new messages.


How does it work?

Media validation applies to:

  • Media (images, video, gifs) added to posts in Publish
  • Custom thumbnails uploaded to Facebook and Instagram videos
  • Media added to Conversations responses


Media is reviewed against:

  • Aspect ratio
  • Dimension
  • Resolution
  • File size
  • Video Length *
  • File types
  • Max frames *
  • Bitrate *
  • Video codec *
  • Audio codec *
  • Audio bitrate * 
  • Audio channels *

* Video parameter only

For full information on capabilities for social posts in Engage, check out our Help Center article: Publish: What Options are Channel-specific for Meltwater Engage?


New error messages

The four new error messages introduced with this update are as follows:

  • Native Channel Issue: The native channel has returned an unknown error. This is usually a temporary issue that self-corrects quickly. Check the native channel status, and if it is not down, please retry. If the issue persists, reconnection may be required.
  • Multiple Companies Open: This post failed because there are multiple browser tabs open, which are logged into different company accounts. Please close any unneeded tabs and retry the post.
  • Media Upload Issue: This post failed because the media did not finish uploading. Please re-upload the media and try the post again.
  • Invalid Mention: The native channel’s API has rejected this post because it contained an invalid mention. Please adjust your mention and try again.


Learn more in the Help Center

Yay! Love these Engage updates! 

Yay Collab Posts! 🎉