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Last week, we shared the latest Facebook taketh away news; but this week, the Facebook news giveth! Now, track how many people want to see your brand’s content with Facebook follower metrics.

Three new metrics have been added to your Facebook insights:

  • Total Followers: The number of Facebook followers as of the last day of the selected time period
  • Net Followers: The number of new audience members gained minus the audience members lost.
  • Follower Growth: Visualization of the total and net numbers of followers over the selected time period.



What’s the difference between Fans (page Likes) and Followers?

  • Fans: shows how many users Liked the pageLiking a Facebook page automatically follows the page, and publicly shows support in a user’s About section.
  • Followers: shows how many users followed the page. Following a Facebook page does not automatically Like the page, but is a key metric because it indicates how many people are genuinely interested in seeing a brand’s content, as users will get page updates and posts from that brand’s page in their feed.
  • Many brands have more page followers than page fans, so tracking “fans” alone is not a true indication of a brand’s reach and how many users want to see that brand’s content.


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