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Engage: Image Generator Updated to DALL-E 3 + Measure Improvements Bundle

Related products: Engage Measure AI
Engage: Image Generator Updated to DALL-E 3 + Measure Improvements Bundle

We have a bundle of Engage updates and enhancements to share with you this week:



Image Generator Updated to DALL-E 3

Last summer, our team added the Image Generator to Engage: Publish, Asset Library, & Conversations. The latest enhancement to this feature comes in the form of upgrading the Image Generator to DALL-E 3, allowing significantly better image creation.

DALL-E 3 boasts a profound comprehension of subtleties and intricacies surpassing its predecessor, enabling users to effortlessly transform concepts into remarkably precise visuals. Its repertoire of generated images spans a wider spectrum of aesthetics, ensuring versatility and depth.

From high-contrast, vivid visuals to nuanced and stylized compositions, DALL-E 3 empowers users with an expansive array of options. While DALL-E 2 was inclined towards specific aesthetics, DALL-E 3 showcases heightened adaptability, presenting users with a richer palette of visual styles. Check out the examples here to see the marked improvements!






Learn more in the Help Center



Measure Improvements Bundle

All new hover hints

Hover hints for all dashboard metrics in Measure have been updated. These feature improved wording, as well as the addition of post type(s) and timezone represented. 



Top Posts Increased

The Top Posts widget has been expanded from 150 to 1000 🙌



New Plays metric for Instagram

The new Plays metric for Instagram includes replays, to match Instagram’s native metric.



Learn more in the Help Center

Thanks for these Engage updates!