Klear Update

Klear: Bulk Select Influencers in Discovery + Vet Influencer Content Using Topic Filters

Related products: Klear AI
Klear: Bulk Select Influencers in Discovery + Vet Influencer Content Using Topic Filters

Two Klear updates this week will save you time filding the right influencers for your campaign.




Bulk Select Influencers in Discovery


What is it?

Select multiple influencers from Discovery search results, and tag or add to a campaign all at once!


What’s the value?

  • ⏱️ Reduce manual time spent on repeated tasks in Discovery
  • 🏃 Take action faster, send more timely outreach, and speed up campaign execution
  • ✨ Curate your network with handpicked influencers who are the best fit for your brand



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Vet Influencer Content Using Topic Filters


What is it?

AI-powered Content Topic Filters categorize an influencer’s posts into key topics they post about most. Click into a content filter to review the matching posts in each category and sort by Similarity, Engagements, or Date.


What’s the value?

  • 👀 Vet influencer content to make sure it aligns with your brand
  • ✈️👠🍔 Gauge an influencer’s expertise and experience in key topic areas
  • 🧠 Understand what topics/content drives the most engagement to strategize new campaigns



Learn more in the Help Center:
