Engage Update

Engage: Discover Content - Use your saved Explore searches to discover, save, and post UGC content via Engage

Related products: Engage
Engage: Discover Content - Use your saved Explore searches to discover, save, and post UGC content via Engage

Use your saved Explore searches to discover, save, and post UGC content via Engage

What is it?

Discover Content in the Asset Library of Engage allows users to search for and find user-generated content (UGC) via saved Explore searches that can then be used within Publish for content ideation and creation.

  • This update adds UGC support for Instagram to already supported X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Pinterest


What’s the value?

  • For social media managers and social marketers, we know that there is a continual need for social content that is original, relevant, and engaging. We also know consumers today respond best to authentic content. That is, content that comes from people like them. Our new UGC solution helps solve both areas of need, by allowing you to find and repurpose content from people championing your brand. With it, you’ll build more authentic and relevant content that engages people and turns outsiders into eventual fans.
  • UGC in Meltwater is a perfect example of researching your own audience, to better attract them, and others like them, with more relevant, engaging, and authentic content.


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