Analyze Update

Analyze: Manually Adjust AVE and Data Density

Related products: Analyze - Earned Media Measurement
Analyze: Manually Adjust AVE and Data Density

Understand your Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) in more currencies, apply data density options to control how your charts appear

What is it, and what’s the value?

Introducing more customization options for how to display data within dashboards.

  • Choose from local currencies to display when calculating AVE (Advertising Value Equivalency) in Dashboards and customize the conversion (attribution) rate.



  • Use the new data density option to adjust how data is displayed over time within a chart by choosing to see your data broken down by hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.




  • Previously, AVE was only available for calculation in USD, and data density was limited.
  • These options give you more flexibility to convert to your local currency and to better align charts to your company’s reporting needs, so you can better demonstrate the impact of your PR efforts.


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This is great to know, especially when I need to combine social with PR efforts. It gives me flexibility when visualizing PR data. The ability to calculate and display Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) in local currencies is very valuable because now I can align reporting with the specific region. Nicely done on improving the ability to derive meaningful insights tailored to specific needs.